...this morning while I was making breakfast I snapped a few photos o

f Katya nursing her baby, she has done this before, but never so seriously. She sat there for about 3 minutes nursing! That's a long time for her to sit still doing one thing these days.
Today on the list to do is: make supper and have it ready for Papa when he gets home from work at about 4:30, but I'm hoping we can get to church together tonight, instead of me going alone tomorrow morning with the kids.
I'd love to dye some more yarn, but I'm afraid there won't be much time between other daily duties, like folding towels, and not a daily duty, but daily fun: playing with the kids!
It's raining and ugly outside, we miss the sun, Katya is talking about riding her bike around the big water in town and finding a
new park...we can't wait. Oh, she talked about swimming, too at Mama Lu's! I can't wait for summer!!!